Training Expert
Nick Kentrolis
The Crest, A Health and Fitness Club
Nick Kentrolis has been a fitness professional since 1986 and has achieved great success in the fitness community, having developed award winning gyms and revitalized waning fitness programs throughout the southeastern United States. Nick earned his first fitness certification from Dr. Michael Marks of UNCW Chapel Hill, and is also certified through, NSCA, IFTA, ACE and TRX. He competed nationally as a N.A.S.A. (National Athlete Strength Association) power lifter, setting many North Carolina and National records. As an NPC bodybuilder, NIck won many state and national level awards. and was also honored to be chosen as a North Carolina Fitness America judge. But most importantly, Nick has helped thousands achieve their fitness goals including men and women of a wide variety of ages and types, from bodybuilders and fitness models to couch potatoes. Today, Nick and his lovely wife Wanda own and run The Crest Fitness Club. Their mission is to motivate and educate members to achieve appropriate fitness goals in the best way for each individual’s body, mind, schedule and needs. You may also find Nick singing or playing various musical instruments at many different venues and events around eastern NC.
Inspirational Quote That Motivates You: “Life throws bombs, the question is not whether or not you get hit it, but whether or not you stand up and keep moving forward.” “Quiters Quit - Fighters Fight”
Best Song to Get You Moving: Training Montage from Rocky IV
Favorite Way to Burn Calories: Trying to burn calories should Never be the goal of anyone that is participating in an exercise program. The goal is to eat more nutritious calories and not having an energy imbalance.
Go to Breakfast Foods: Egg white omelet w/spinach and mushrooms, oatmeal with coconut oil, blueberries and cinnamon.
Wellness Tip to Pass On: Do NOT EVER follow the fads and the gimmicks. Seek out true fitness knowledge and focus 70% of your energy on your nutrition, 20% on resistance training and 10% on your aerobics.