self breast exam
Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women according to the Centers for Disease Control. Early detection and new treatment options can prove to be successful for those facing this disease.
Teenage girls are at low risk for breast cancer, but as they age their risk increases. Therefore, it is necessary to teach teenage girls the importance of routine self breast exams. This will enable them to develop healthy habits that may help to detect any changes in breast tissue as they age.
Girls of this age can be quite self conscious of their bodies and may feel uncomfortable speaking to their family doctor or parents about how to perform the exam. To respect the privacy of young women, guide them to literature that can help them understand how to preform this task. Materials are available through many family doctors and also at gynecologist offices. You can also locate information on the internet. One great source is http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/girls/bse.html#