NC Aquarium Fort Fisher
NCAFF Art Contest
Artists have long been enchanted by the sea and its creatures. The N.C. Aquarium at Fort Fisher, as a learning center for Coastal America, is now accepting original ocean-inspired artwork from full-time students, kindergarten to university level.
The contest encourages young artists to use their creativity and talent to express the importance of our oceans, both personally and globally. Guidelines require that artwork reflect one of seven established “essential principles of ocean literacy,” and include a narrative explaining each piece.
Submissions will be judged on visual impact, communication of the ocean literacy principle, and artistic merit. Categories are defined by grade levels.
Participating teachers are able to submit their top three entries to the Aquarium by Dec. 20, 2011. Regional winners will then be selected and displayed at the Aquarium. The winning artwork will advance to the national competition for a chance to be displayed in a public venue in Washington, D.C. Winners will be announced by May 2012.
Teachers wishing to submit entries should contact the Aquarium’s education department at (910) 458-8257 ext. 234. For contest guidelines visit www.coastalamerica.gov