Prom night is an important night for many teens. There are many preparations that go into the planning of this special event. Here are some tips for making sure the night is safe for your teen.
- Review with your teen situations that may arise on prom night and how they would handle them.
- Make sure that your teen's cell phone is fully charged before they head out for the night. Have them check in via text or call a few times during the evening.
- Know your teen's plans for after the prom. If they are going to a party at a friend's home, check with the friend's parents to make sure there will be adult supervision.
- Arrange for a party limo for your teen and their friends or make sure you know who will be driving your teen around.
- Remind your teen that it is illegal for them to drink alcohol and that it is very important NOT to get into a car with anyone that has been drinking alcohol or taking drugs.
- Make sure your teen knows to buckle up in the car on the way to or from prom. Even though they have on a fancy dress or nice tuxedo, they still must be safe and buckle their seat belt.
- Set a curfew and stick to it. Talk about how much time it will take to get home from the prom or after-party location and have your teen leave in plenty of time to make a safe return trip home.
- Create an emergency plan. If your teen feels unsafe at any time, let them know they can text or call you. You can even create a code word that could be used in a conversation or in a text if your teen doesn't want to look like a "tattletale" in front of their friends. Enlist a family friend to be an emergency contact as well in case your teen is too embarrassed to call you.
Source: http://www.maif.net/site/prom-safety-tips-for-parents-and-teens/