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Many families will gather together this weekend to watch the Eagles and the Patriots battle it out in the Super Bowl. However, if your little ones are anything like mine, keeping them interested in a televised sporting event for any length of time is always a challenge. This year, why not get and keep your kids excited about the Super Bowl with a few fun football party games?
Football Charades – Everyone knows how to play charades, but make this a Super Bowl worthy match by choosing words that are specifically related to the big game. Think words like helmet, halftime, cheerleader, coach, touchdown, mascot, field goal, football, goal post, team, quarterback and referee.
Cheering Challenge – Choose one person to be a judge, and then divide the rest of your family and any guests into two teams, each one assigned to either cheer for the Eagles or the Patriots. Then, let the judge determine which team can cheer the loudest!
Don’t say ‘Football’ - Give each family member a certain token, such as a clothes pin or Mardi Gras beaded necklace, and then let them know that as soon as the game begins, the word “football” will be considered off-limits. For a small number of players, you can give each person two tokens to start the game. As the party goes on, anyone who accidentally says ”football” must give up their token to the first person to catch them saying it. At the end of the party, whoever has collected the most tokens wins!
Put on a Show - Let the kids perform their own halftime show for you. Set out a variety of costumes, props, and accessories and tell them that they have the first half of the game to put together and practice their skits. Some ideas include performing an original cheer or pretending to be a rock band and lip-synching a song.
Musical Helmet - If you can find a football helmet, fill it with candy or small football-related trinket prizes. Similar to musical chairs, have kids sit in a circle and pass the helmet around as someone plays music. Then when the music stops, whoever is holding the helmet gets to choose a prize. The game continues as the music starts and stops until the helmet is empty.
Football Dance Moves - Another game similar to musical chairs, this time encourage your children to dance as someone plays music. When the person randomly stops the music, he or she will then call out a football move, such as huddle, pass, catch, or punt. Any player who fails to stop dancing and mimic the move correctly is eliminated. Or, you can choose not to eliminate anyone, and rather just play for fun during each commercial break.