Backyard Camping
Now that the weather’s warming up, you may be looking for more activities that you and your family can plan outside. One great option that’s low hassle, inexpensive, and yet super fun for both kids and adults alike is backyard camping. A backyard campout allows you to experience all the joys of camping while remaining close to home. Camping at home helps parents avoid the stress of packing up the car and driving far away to a crowded campsite. Instead, you can stay within walking distance of a clean bathroom, get your kids away from their electronics, breathe in some fresh air, and still enjoy a wonderful family bonding experience full of lasting memories. So why not create a new family tradition make camping out in your own backyard one of your family’s best ‘trips’ ever?
- Use Real Equipment - Make this camping trip feel as authentic as possible by pitching a tent and bringing out the camping gear, such as sleeping bags, lanterns, headlamps, a compass, and maps. Then, before going off and exploring, teach your kids how to use everything, which is part of the fun!
- Explore Your Yard - With so many interesting things in nature that can be found near home, take a hike to discover all the plants, insects, animals and trees in the area. If your home does not have access to any woods or trees, you can also ride a bike or take a walk to the nearest park or green space.
- Create Some Art - Children will enjoy collecting bits of nature during their exploration and then using them to create a nature collage. Have them apply glue to adhere various leaves, nuts, twigs, pebbles, and anything else interesting they might find onto a piece of cardboard. Your kids will be able to make a piece of art that they can later display at home as a memory of their camping ‘trip.’
- Set Up Games - Let your kids burn off energy outside with activities such as sack races, a scavenger hunt, Frisbee, or soccer. For warmer days, water balloons and water gun fights are always a huge hit.
- Cook Outside - Make this experience truly special by keeping the menu centered on authentic campout food! Whether using a grill or a fire pit, cook every meal of your trip outdoors (even breakfast!) Great options include hot dogs, grilled sandwiches, canned beans or grilled veggies. And don’t forget about the most beloved campfire food of all time - s’mores!
- Enjoy Campfire Songs and Stories - Grab any instrument you might have at home, such as a guitar, harmonica, or small drums, and circle the family around the campfire for some sing-along fun. Have younger children choose a few familiar songs to join in on, or teach your kids some new ones related to camping and the great outdoors. Once it’s time for bed, gather the family around the fire for a few stories. Family members can take turns adding parts to the story as you make your way around the circle, or tell some spooky campfire stories to the older kids with a flashlight shining under your chin for a special effect.
- Turn On The Flashlights - No outdoor nighttime activity would be complete without flashlights and glow sticks. Use flashlights to take a look through the dark at the surrounding trees and nighttime critters, play flashlight tag, or create shadow puppets along the walls of the tent.
- Look Up At the Stars - Kids love to stargaze, so lie out on the sleeping bags before bedtime and look up at the night sky together as a family. Smaller children can simply count the stars and point out the brightest ones, while the older kids can try to identify the constellations.
- Go Offline - Even though you might be tempted to keep your phone handy, make sure your whole family remains ‘unplugged’ by putting all electronics away. Try to lead by example and resist the urge to check your own email or text messages, and really focus instead on the family experiences you are helping create.