stomach ache
Appendicitis can be a dangerous condition if left untreated. Therefore, it is helpful to know the symptoms. Symptoms of appendicitis can be similar to other viruses or bacterial infections of the intestines, constipation and trapped gas. Here are some things to look for:
- Slight fever ranging from 100.4 - 101.3°F
- Loss of appetite
- Pain near the belly button that may come and go, but it will gradually increase and eventually become constant
- Nausea and sometimes vomiting after the pain sets in
- Children may have mild diarrhea
- Some experience the need to urinate more often
- After a few hours, the pain usually moves to the right side of the lower abdomen
The majority of children with abdominal pain do not have appendicitis, but if you are concerned that they may you should alert your child's pediatrician. The doctor may order X-rays and blood tests. A child may be admitted to the hospital if there is uncertainty about the condition.
If a diagnosis of appendicitis is made, the appendix will need to be removed. Hospitalization time is typically 2-3 days unless the appendix has ruptured. In this case, the hospital stay can be longer.
Source: www.parents.com