kid brushing teeth
February is National Children's Dental Health month. Therefore, it is a great time to review the following dental recommendations provided by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD):
Birth to six months of age:
- Clean the infant's mouth with gauze or use a soft infant toothbrush after feedings and at bedtime.
- Regulate feeding habits (bottle feeding and breastfeeding).
Six to 12 months of age:
- Brush teeth after each feeding and at bedtime with a small, soft-bristled brush.
- As the child begins to walk, stay alert of potential dental and/or facial injuries.
- Wean the child from the bottle by his or her first birthday.
Twelve to 24 months of age:
- Follow the schedule of dental examinations and cleanings, as recommended by your child's pediatric dentist.
- As your child learns to rinse his or her mouth, and as most deciduous (baby) teeth have erupted by this age, brushing with a pea-sized portion of fluoridated toothpaste becomes appropriate.
For children of all ages, the AAPD recommends the following to ensure your child eats correctly to maintain a healthy body and teeth:
- Do not routinely stock your pantry with sugary or starchy snacks. Buy "fun foods" just for special times.
- Limit the number of snack times; choose nutritious snacks.
- Provide a balanced diet, and save foods with sugar or starch for mealtimes.
- Do not put your young child to bed with a bottle of milk, formula, or juice.
- If your child chews gum or sips soda, choose those without sugar.