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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
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Wilmington Symphony Orchestra
The Youth Orchestra and Junior Strings ensembles are educational programs of the Wilmington Symphony Orchestra intended to compliment the important educational experience of local school music programs. Participation in these ensembles as well as the individual’s school ensemble is the cornerstone of these programs and helps ensure the maximum benefit and practical performance experience for students. The mission of the Youth Orchestra and the Junior Strings is to enrich the lives of the Cape Fear area youth by providing talented young string players with unique orchestral training and performing opportunities.
The Youth Orchestra is for 9-12th grade students and is under the direction of Dr. Steven Errante. Tuition for Youth Orchestra is $220 per year.
The Junior Strings is for 6-8th grade students and is under the direction of Ms. Lisa Gattuso. Auditions for both ensembles are held twice per year. Tuition for Junior Strings is $120 per year.
For more information, please visit www.WilmingtonSymphony.org or call 910-791-9262.