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Soccer Kids Wilmington
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Soccer Kids Wilmington
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Soccer Kids Wilmington
Soccer Kids is a brand-new soccer program in the Wilmington area for children aged 2-5. The 9-week program focuses on fun, high-energy and development for young children.
Over 170 children took part in Soccer Kids’ first season in Fall 2017, in both childcare centers across Wilmington and Jacksonville and a weekend program at Ogden and Veterans Park. This winter season should see even more!
Each week a so new soccer skill, development and character trait is taught through fun games. Skills such as control, dribbling and scoring goals are practiced and developed within a 30-40-minute session.
Number One Objective is Fun
“Fun is the number one objective at Soccer Kids”, says owner and Coach Lawrence, “children won’t develop if they don’t enjoy sport and won’t want to continue if it’s not fun. I want to make the sessions engaging and exciting - we play games that use the imagination, all the children have a ball at their feet, constantly running around. Before they know it, they’re learning soccer; kicking correctly, dribbling, with greater balance and coordination and they can’t wait for the next week to learn more!”.
Child Development is Important
While focus is on fun, child development is also very important. Soccer Kids’ curriculum, was designed through Lawrence’s coaching experience and his professional education background. “The 4 areas of development are hit within each session – physical, cognitive (problem solving, using imagination), social and communication (listening to the coach and following instruction).”
About the Coach
Coach Lawrence moved down from Philadelphia, PA in August with his wife Erin and son Andrew to start Soccer Kids. He was born and brought up in Nottingham, England and has also lived in Sydney, Australia. Now 36, Lawrence has played soccer for over 30 years, including semi-professionally for 10 years in the UK. From there he decided to take his experience and knowledge of the game into coaching. With a professional background in education and working with young children, Coach Lawrence combined these two passions and began coaching young children to help develop their love for being active and playing sport and in particular soccer – thus Soccer Kids was born.
Each Session Has a Theme
There is a strong education theme throughout the season; a word of the week is introduced every session. Respect, teamwork, confidence, encouragement, patience are some of the words brought into the sessions. ‘Confidence, for example, is taught by getting the children to tell themselves ‘I can do it!’ before they take a shot on goal”. If they miss the shot, Coach Lawrence encourages the child to go again and believe in themselves, shouting ‘I can do it!’. “These traits are essential for playing soccer, but also used in everyday life too. For example, I introduce the word respect in week one. I’ve heard a 4-year-old child use the word respect in context three or four weeks later! It really makes everything I do worthwhile”.
Parents and Kids Love the Classes
The mark for success for Coach Lawrence and Soccer Kids is about making sure the children are enjoying themselves. In the few weeks Soccer Kids has been running there has been a fantastic response from parents and children alike with some great success stories;
"(our child) just loves your class each week...we have been amazed with the skills he is picking up and the confidence he is gaining from just a handful of weeks." - Valerie, Parent, Veterans Park Program
"My son loves soccer kids! The sessions are geared toward the age of the children and their interests. Coach Lawrence is great with the kids and teaches them important fundamentals not only for soccer but for life! Awesome job!!!" - Brittany; Parent, Ogden Program
"My child is loving the class. She keeps asking me why it's not every day! I thank you for what you are doing." - J.S., Milestones, Jacksonville
“When I asked what the favorite part about practice was, (our child) said “my coach” - A.B; Parent, Children's Learning Center II
It’s feedback like this, which is why Lawrence has created Soccer Kids. “Growing up, the reason I loved soccer was because I had so much fun playing, there was no pressure at a very young age to perform to a high standard and playing for fun with my friends in the street until dark was what I lived for! I am very competitive and have been in some pressure situations, but soccer is all about having fun at a young age and that’s what I want to convey and why I am passionate about coaching young children.”
Sign Up for a Free Session!
You can sign up for a free session NOW and find out more about the 9-week season on www.soccerkidsnc.com or contact Lawrence directly on 910-336-0072 or Lawrence@soccerkidsnc.com