kids at movies
Last week I went to see the latest movie in the Twilight series. Having seen the other 4 movies in the series, I knew what sort of content to expect. The rating on the film is PG-13 for sequences of violence, disturbing images, some sensuality and partial nudity. That being said, you can imagine my surprise when I spotted a woman with 5 children under the age of 10 (one under the age of 1) leaving the theater upon the conclusion of the film. This was certainly not a movie for small children!
Movies are rated to give parents information about content so that they can determine if a film is appropriate for their children. Established in 1968, the Classification and Ratings Administration has been providing ratings and information about the content of films to help parents. This administration reviews films in their entirety and look for things such as mature themes, language, depictions of violence, nudity, sensuality, depictions of sexual activities, adult activities and drug use. Here is a brief description of what each rating means.
- G This movie rating is given to films that contain nothing that would offend parents bringing younger children to see the film. Some snippets of language may go beyond polite conversation but they are common everyday expressions. Depictions of violence, if any, are minimal. No nudity, sex scenes or drug use are present in G rated films. These movies aren't necessarily "children's" movies as far as content is concerned.
- PG This rating indicates that parental guidance is suggested. Some parents may find the material unsuitable for their child. There may be some profanity and some depictions of violence or brief nudity. Movies with this rating do not include drug content but may include some other mature themes.
- PG-13 Parents are strongly cautioned to pay attention to the content of films with this rating as some material may be inappropriate for children under the age of 13. Brief nudity can be a cause for this rating but generally will not be sexually oriented. Depictions of violence may be present but may not be realistic or extreme and will not last the duration of the movie. Profanity may also be a reason for this rating.
- R This restricted rating means that children under the age of 17 must be accompanied by an adult in order to see a film. An R-rated motion picture may include adult themes, adult activity, profanity, intense or persistent violence, sexually-oriented nudity, drug abuse or other elements.
For more information on film ratings in general or to research a specific movie, please visit www.filmratings.com.