Annesophia Richards
play snow
I grew up in Connecticut where there was never a shortage of snow to play with during the wintertime. It is one of my most treasured memories from childhood, and it’s an experience that I definitely took for granted until I grew up, moved south, and became a parent myself. My kids see snow on television, in books, and adorning every holiday decoration here in North Carolina, but they have yet to experience the joys of playing with real snow. I promised my son the other day that one day, we will travel someplace where he and his sister can see actual snow. In the meantime, however, I decided to make our own version of snow at home, and it was so much easier than I had expected. Below is a simple, DIY way to create play snow that is sure to please your little ones this winter!
What you will need:
- 2ea 16 oz. boxes of cornstarch
- 1 can of shaving cream (use unscented if possible)
- White or silver glitter (optional) to make the snow sparkle and shimmer in the sunlight if playing outdoors, just like real snow
Let the kids pour the cornstarch into a large bowl. Next, spray the shaving cream in using small batches, and continue adding as needed. Using their hands, let the kids knead the shaving cream into the powder, and the ‘snow’ will begin to form quickly. The more the shaving cream is worked into the cornstarch, the more the snow will start to mold together. Continue adding the shaving cream until the snow stops sticking to your hands, feels dry to the touch, and has become moldable. You can sprinkle a few tablespoons of glitter into the snow once complete for some extra sparkly effect. The snow should already feel cool on its own, but you can also put it in the fridge or freezer before playing with it to give it that extra icy feel. For easy cleanup, bring the snow outside and let your kids play with it in the driveway, or spread a blanket down inside the house and let them play there. When done, simply shake the blanket off outside.
Annesophia Richards
play snow prep
If your kids are like mine, they will love the touch and feel of the snow, and they’ll also get a kick out of forming it into shapes using their hands or even sand toys. This DIY snow was a huge hit at our house, and it definitely helped to satisfy my little ones’ curiosity towards the mystical, cold-weather substance, at least until I can get our family up North to experience the real thing!