NHC Girl Scouts
Girl Scout Week
On Monday, March 10 the New Hanover County Commissioners officially declared March 9 – 15, 2014 Girl Scout Week. In the proclamation issued by Woody White, Chairman, Beth Dawson, Vice-chair, Jonathan Barfield, and Thomas Wolfe Commissioners it was noted; “Whereas, Girl Scouting Takes an active role in increasing girls’ awareness of the opportunities available to them today in math, science, and other fields that can expand their horizons…Now, Therefore, Be It Proclaimed by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that the Board applauds the commitment Girl Scouting has made to support the leadership development of girls and that the week of March 9-15, 2014 be recognized as ‘Girl Scout Week’ in New Hanover County.”
Madison Bass representing Brownie Troop 533, Kate Lyons representing Brownie Troop 897, Ayla Breeden representing Brownie Troop 1327 and Amelia Todd representing Cadette Troop 1597 were present to receive the official proclamation and to present some ever iconic Girl Scout cookies to the Commissioners. Here in New Hanover County there are almost 500 adult volunteers serving 100 troops with a total enrollment of 1,000 girls.
In addition Mayor of Wilmington, Bill Saffo, marked the same landmark in his proclamation stating in par, “WHEREAS, March 12, marks the 102nd anniversary of Girl Scouts of the USA, founded by Juliette Gordon Low in 1912 in Savannah, Georgia … I do hereby proclaim the week of March 9-15, 2014, as Girl Scout Week.”