Spring is finally here, and one of the best ways to enjoy the sunshine and warm weather with your family is by gardening. Children love the experience of creating something beautiful (and sometimes edible!) in the fresh outdoors, and planting flowers and vegetables together is an exciting activity for any age. Kids gain a sense of pride in growing their own plants, and gardening also teaches them about nature and responsibility in caring for other living things. The best way to introduce the idea of gardening to your children and to ensure their highest level of enthusiasm and curiosity is to choose the easiest plants for them to grow. Ideally, you want to use seeds that are large enough for tiny hands to manage and that sprout quickly enough to keep your kids interested. The faster your children can see their plants growing, the more excited they will be about the process. Here are a few great plant options to help get your little gardeners going!
- Sunflowers - These gorgeous flowers grow quickly and can get very tall! Their size alone is sure to capture your little one’s interest. Sunflowers need direct sunlight, so planting them right in your yard is ideal. The flowers can then be cut and brought indoors, bringing your child a visual indoor reminder of his or her accomplishment.
- Cherry Tomatoes - These sweet little treats are a favorite with kids, as they can be plucked straight off the vine and then eaten for a tasty and healthy snack. Cherry tomatoes come in a wide variety of bright colors, the most popular of which is the Sun Gold. This variety grows abundantly even in less than ideal conditions and ripens to a dark orange color.
- Strawberries - Just like cherry tomatoes, strawberries are also a beloved option when it comes to children. Strawberry plants are easy to grow in your yard as they can take up as much or as little space as available and do not need a great deal of care to produce their deliciously sweet fruit.
- Lambs’ Ears - With leaves that feel as fuzzy and soft as their name suggests, these woolly plants are a favorite to touch among children. They tolerate weather extremes very well and can be enjoyed for months as they bloom from summer to frost.
- Radishes - Radishes germinate very quickly, making them a perfect choice for impatient children. They can be ready to harvest in as little as 25 days, and kids love the experience of pulling them right out of the soil when they are ready to be cooked. The “Easter Egg” variety is a fun choice for children because they produce colorful purple, red and white egg-shaped radishes.
- Nasturtiums - These simple flowers require no care at all and range is size from short ground covers to ones that can grow up to 10 feet tall with the help of a trellis. Children will love them because the flowers are edible! What could be cooler than getting to put a few of the petals on top of their sandwiches for lunch?