Annesophia Richards
A summertime staple, pool noodles are always around when it comes to kids and water. However, these cheap, easy-to-find swim floats are not simply limited to only being used while in the pool. With a little imagination, pool noodles can encourage creativity and are a great resource for inspiring lots of fun on dry ground! Here are a few crafty ideas of ways to use those pool noodles outside this summer.
- Pool Noodle Croquet - All you will need for this easy game is several pool noodles, a few kabob sticks or other thin sticks, and a soccer ball. Push two sticks into the ground about 2 feet apart, then bend the pool noodle and stick both ends over the sticks, creating a dome-shaped “wicket.” Place several more sticks and noodles at various locations around the yard, and then give your kids a ball or two and let them do their thing trying to run and kick the balls through the croquet course.
- Human Ring Toss -Cut a toilet paper tube lengthwise, then roll it up and insert it into one end of the pool noodle. Bring the other end of the noodle around and attach it to the other end of the roll, then secure the ring together with duct tape. Have one child stand (or kneel) with hands at his sides while another person attempts to toss the ring around his head!
- Pool Noodle Sprinkler - Using a screwdriver or other pointy object, poke holes randomly around all sides of a pool noodle. The more holes, the better. Stick a plastic water bottle cap into the end of one side of the noodle and then duct tape the end tightly. Stuff the end of the water hose a few inches into the opposite end of the noodle. You can choose to use the sprinkler on the ground or hang it up from a tree or swing set. Turn on the hose and let the water spray!
- Noodle Tic-Tac-Toe -Crisscross 4 pool noodles together to make a giant outdoor tic-tac-toe game. One child can then stand on each side and toss colored bean bags to try and 3 in a row.
- Pool Noodle Lightsaber - Use a knife to slice a pool noodle in half. Wrap silver duct tape around the bottom quarter of the noodle. Wrap three rings of black electrical tape around the top of the silver tape. Then you can further customize the look of your lightsaber handle by adding a variety of black strips of tape across the silver duct tape. That’s it!
- Water Balloon Baseball - To make a baseball bat, insert a wooden dowel into the hollow end of the noodle, making sure the fit is snug so the dowel doesn’t fall out. Fill water balloons about half way and use them as the baseballs. Then just start swinging away and enjoy the cool off!