Minnie Evans (American 1892-1987) Untitled (Three Faces in Floral Design), 1967. Gift of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce B. Cameron
Minnie Evans
Cameron Art Museum publishes art lesson plans, The Kids @ CAM – At Home Family projects, (for ages 5-12) on its website twice a week. Lesson plans are published on Mondays and Wednesdays and focus on an individual artist each time. Monday’s plans focus on artists represented in CAM’s collection, while Wednesday’s plans focus on a famous artist. Each plan includes an artist biography, supply list, step-by-step project instructions, and a sample of the artist’s work.
Currently the following artists are available, just click the artist link to download the project!
The Kids @ CAM – At Home Family projects can be found at: https://cameronartmuseum.org/.
The project is part of Connect with CAM, an online initiative to connect with its community in response to the COVID-19 crisis, which includes Live@CAM Facebook Live music and art engagement programs, videos, art activities for children, lesson plans for students, and meditation and writing. Follow Cameron Art Museum on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube for more information.