movie tickets popcorn
The 2014 Summer Kids Series at Carmike Cinemas runs for 10 weeks from June 18- August 20. Each Wednesday features a different movie that shows at 10 am. Tickets are $4 and include admission, a small popcorn and small drink. Here is the line-up of kids movies coming this summer.
- June 13: Epic rated PG
- June 25: The Croods rated PG
- July 2: Turbo rated PG
- July 9: Despicable Me rated PG
- July 16: Despicable Me 2 rated PG
- July 23: Nut Job rated PG
- July 30: The Lego Movie rated PG
- August 6: Rio rated G
- August 13: Mr. Peabody and Sherman rated PG
- August 20: Rio 2 rated G