festival of trees
The Festival of Trees, an event to raise money for the Lower Cape Fear Hospice and Life Care Center, was a Wilmington tradition for years. However, due to rising costs in putting the festival on, Lower Cape Fear Hospice was unable to continue the tradition after their 2007 event.
This year, the event has been revived and expanded upon by Elizabeth Hester, the executive director of The Wilmington Ballet Company. In addition to the beautifully decorated trees and performances of The Nutcracker Ballet, this year’s two day event includes 5K run, a Holiday Gift Boutique for shoppers, the Land of Sweets Cafe and a Children’s Gingerbread Village.
All events will happen Dec. 3-4 at the Minnie Evans Art Center, with the 5K run on the Ashley High School grounds.
Tickets can be purchased to go to the festival alone or in conjunction with The Nutcracker Ballet. Visit the website for times and ticket information. www.capefearfestivaloftrees.org
A significant portion of the proceeds from this event will benefit the Lower Cape Fear Hospice and Life Care Center.