Wizard of Oz
Brunswick Little Theatre will hold auditions for The Wizard of Oz at Building F on the campus of Brunswick Community College. Auditions will be held on Thursday, May 3, 2011 at 6:30 pm. for adults ages 16 and up and on Saturday, May 5, 2011 at 1pm for children ages 15 and under. It is greatly preferred that you attend the audition date designated for your age group, but if you need to be seen on the other date, exceptions can be made. Please note: you must audition if you wish to be considered for a role in this production, even if you only wish to be cast in the ensemble. If you are unable to attend auditions on one of these dates, please contact director Jen Iapalucci at jiapalucci@ec.rr.com or at 910-269-1518 to make alternate arrangements. There will be approximately 40 people cast in this production.
All who are auditioning will be taught the chorus of one song from the show. All will be required to sing and participate in a simple movement sequence as part of their audition. Please dress in loose, comfortable clothing and appropriate footwear. Anyone who wishes to be considered for a major role should prepare a song that showcases their vocal ability and character. It does not have to be a song from this show. Please bring sheet music, a recorded accompaniment track, or be prepared to sing a capella.
In addition, please come prepared to provide information about any potential conflicts you may have with the rehearsal schedule: travel dates, work/school obligations, summer plans (ie camps, sports, activities).
This will be an all ages production. Here's what you can expect, in terms of roles:
DOROTHY will be played by a girl in the 12-16 year old age range (or at least by a girl who appears believable as that age range). All other major roles (Glinda, Wicked Witch, Tin Man, Scarecrow, Lion, Oz, etc.) will be played by adults or older teens (think over 16). Adult or older teens will be featured as Crows, Trees, Citizens of the Emerald City, and Winkie Guards. The Children's Ensemble will be featured as Munchkins, Poppies, Citizens of the Emerald City, and Flying Monkeys.
The Wizard of Oz will be performed July 27-29 and August 3-5, 2012 at Odell Williamson Auditorium in Supply, NC.