school lunch
As a part of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010, the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) is available nationwide for the first time. Brunswick County Schools is proud to announce participation in this new reimbursement option that is open to all public schools that meet eligibility requirements.
What does this mean for students in Brunswick County?
All Kindergarten-8th grade students and students who attend Brunswick County Academy will enjoy a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO COST.
To account for the meals served each day, students will still need to key in a meal ID number or scan their meal ID card as they exit the cafeteria serving line. Money may still be placed on student meal accounts for additional purchases such as snacks or extras.
Parents and guardians of students in Kindergarten – 8th grades will no longer need to complete the free or reduced price meal application.
What about high school students?
It is still necessary to complete a free or reduce price meals application for high school students to determine if they are eligible to receive free or reduced price meal benefits.
For additional information about this exciting new program contact Child Nutrition Director Tina Ward at tward@bcswan.net or 910-253-1091.
Information provided by Jessica B. Swencki, Executive Director of Quality Assurance and Community Engagement, Brunswick County Schools