accordian coupon file
Coupon Binders are only one method of organizing coupons. Some people choose to file their coupons all together by category in accordion files or small file boxes with dividers.
This week, while doing some research, I came upon a coupon organization method that combines the idea of the binder with that of the filing method in a product called “The Couponizer” (www.couponizer.com). This product is a small spiral notebook that is divided into sections based on store categories and includes one pocket for each category. There are also special sections in “The Couponizer” for entertainment, travel, restaurants and more! This product is small enough to fit in most purses so that you can take it to the store with you and includes pockets for coupons that you plan to use while shopping so you don’t have to flip through the entire notebook to find the coupons you need.
With any coupon organizing system, the key is time. You must be willing to spend time organizing your coupons (no matter which system you use) and compare the coupons you have to what is on sale at your favorite stores. When this is done, you will be sure to save the most money possible on your grocery bill.
Please feel free to share your coupon organizing method with us!