Halloween is a fun holiday, but it can be costly as well. Between the costumes, candy and decorations this fun day can put a large dent in your monthly budget. However, you don't have to spend a lot to enjoy this spooky holiday.
Costumes are usually the largest expense for Halloween. Be smart this year and use items that you already have to make your own costume. There are many ideas floating around the internet for do-it-yourself costumes.
Can't find what you need around the house? A trip to the Good Will or Salvation Army Store can help you accessorize to create a fabulous ensemble for the holiday.
Keep your eye out for bargains on large bags of candy to hand out to trick or treaters. The week prior to Halloween is a great time to grab a good deal on these. Also note that sweet candy is typically cheaper than chocolate candy.
Large bags of candy can be found at warehouse type stores for very resonable prices.
The days following Halloween are a great time to snag 50-75% off deals on candy. It's always nice to have some on hand for the upcoming hoildays when you have guests visiting. There are also many cool seasonal crafts that you make with candies.
Keep your decorations simple. Carved pumpkins make great front porch decorations. Painted pumpkins can also serve as decorations and last much longer.
For a spooky look, use cardboard boxes to make fake tombstones. Simply paint them gray, write "RIP" on them and place them in your yard. You can also use clear plastic gallon jugs to make ghosts. Cut a small hole in the bottom of each jug and draw a spooky face with permanent marker on each. Place an artifical candle inside to complete the look.
For more ideas on DIY Halloween decorations, seehttp://www.moneycrashers.com/cheap-diy-halloween-decoration-ideas/