coupon collage
Before you can truly maximize your savings with coupons, you must know what kinds of coupons are available and where to get them.
Store coupons are coupons specific to the store they came from. Some stores will accept competitor’s coupons, but some will not. Make sure to check the store’s coupon policy before trying to use a competitor’s coupon. Store coupons may come from store booklets available in stores and sometimes placed as inserts in newspapers. Store coupons will also print along with your receipt at the checkout at most grocery stores. Many stores also mail out coupons several times a year to those customers that have a rewards card with them. Make sure your favorite stores have your current mailing address so you don’t miss out on these mailings.
The other category of coupons is manufacturer’s coupons. These can come from inserts in the Sunday newspaper, printable coupons found online, dispensers at the store, direct mailings and magazines.
- The Sunday newspaper has been the tried and true way to collect manufacturer’s coupons for years. The inserts most typically found in the Sunday paper are from Proctor and Gamble, Smart Source and Red Plum. These inserts offer a variety of coupons for food items, personal care and cleaning products.
- Many wonderful coupons are available online as printables. A few sites to check for a variety of coupons are,,,, and These sights offer some of the same coupons, but it is worth checking them all out to determine which site has the most offers. is also a great coupon source for health foods and organic products.
- Many companies such as Pillsbury, Betty Crocker, Kelloggs and Campbbells offer coupons to members of their websites. Most memberships to these sites simply require the member to give an e-mail address and create a password. Be aware that once your e-mail address is given out, these companies WILL be sending you e-mails about their products.
Check back next week to learn how to have coupons mailed to your home and find magazines that have money saving coupons in them!