31 gifts bags
Most women love bags and I am no exception. I love everything from purses to tote bags especially when they come in stylish, fun prints. I also love to support businesses owned by working Moms. There is a company called Thirty-One Gifts that unites quality bags and female business ownership.
Thrity-One Gifts was founded ten years ago by a Mom on a mission...to help women by giving them an opportunity to own their own business. The company has quickly grown to be one of the highest revenue-producing, direct-selling companies in the world.
Many stay-at home-Moms and Moms with careers outside the home are independent consultants for Thirty-One Gifts to bring in additional income to their households. They sell quality bags produced by the company through in-home parties, catalog parties and individual sales. Customers hosting in-home parties get many perks for being a hostess including free products and exclusive hostess items.
Thirty-One Gifts products include purses, totes, thermal bags, organizers, wallets, accessories and stationary. Each product is available in a variety of colorful, stylish prints, patterns and fabrics. Personalization is available on many items as well. The products that I have seen and used are well-made and sturdy.
If you love bags, hosting a Thirty One Gifts party may be a great way to add to your collection or shop for gifts for friends and family. For more information on products or how to set up a party visit www.thrityonegifts.com